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Active Assured Quality Mark

Active Assured Quality Mark

Angela Coulter18 Feb 2022 - 15:44
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Livingston and West Lothian Hockey Club recognised for West Lothian Quality Mark

West Lothian Council recognises the important role that clubs play in providing local communities with opportunities to participate in sport. The Active Assured Quality Mark helps to support club development within West Lothian and recognises clubs that provide safe, effective, active and child friendly environments.

The accreditation process is very simple and the Active Schools & Community Sport service supports clubs by providing resources, training, toolkits and advice. Clubs who already hold recognised National Governing Body Accreditation are matched directly into the West Lothian Council scheme.

Benefits to Livingston & West Lothian Hockey:

• Members of the public are assured that you are a well-managed local club
• Direct support from Active Schools and Community Sport staff
• Clubs are listed on Active West Lothian website
• Our club has access to West Lothian Council’s Sporting Grants Scheme
• We are offered 20% discount off West Lothian Council Coach Education/CPD workshops
• We are engaged with Community Sports Hubs
• Promotional materials has been provided to highlight accreditation, including framed certificate and accreditation stamp
• Club activities can be promoted through various council channels
• Clubs with NGB accreditation can be easily matched over to WLC scheme

For more information

Further reading